Adding URL Parameters to a Promoter Ninja Survey Link


Understanding customer experiences and opinions is critical for business growth, and surveys are one of the most effective tools for this task. Promoter Ninja offers a user-friendly platform for creating and distributing surveys. To obtain more targeted and insightful feedback, manually add custom properties to your survey links as URL parameters. This article elucidates how to append custom properties to a Promoter Ninja survey link manually.

Advantages of URL Parameters

Incorporating custom properties as URL parameters facilitates a personalized survey experience, often leading to improved response rates and more valuable feedback. These parameters can encapsulate customer-specific data, like purchase history or demographic details.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Identify the Custom Properties

Firstly, pinpoint the custom properties you aim to include in your survey link. These might encompass transaction IDs, customer segments, or other relevant data.

Step 2: Format the Custom Properties

Custom properties should be formatted as key-value pairs to append to the URL. These values must be URL encoded to ensure the data remains intact and transmitted correctly.

2.1. To include a customer's email address, format it as: The special characters should be URL encoded. For example, the at sign in the email should be formatted as

Step 3: Locate Your Survey Link

Log into your Promoter Ninja account and navigate to the survey you wish to distribute.

3.1. Find the survey link provided by clicking on ‘Survey people’ and then ‘Share’.

Step 4: Append the Custom Properties

Now, manually append custom properties to the survey link as URL parameters.

4.1. Add a question mark (?) followed by the first key-value pair to the end of the survey link.

4.2. use an ampersand (&) followed by the key-value pair for additional properties.


Step 5: Verify the URL

Ensure the URL is correctly formatted and the custom properties are accurately reflected.

Step 6: Distribute Your Customized Survey Link

Now, your survey link with custom properties is ready to be shared.

6.1. Distribute the link through your desired channels like email, social media, or within your app.

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Net Promoter, NPS are registered service marks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.